Weeknotes ep.4

2 min readFeb 5, 2021

I’ve really managed to get a week of thinking and strategy in this week — I love it when that gets to happen. So, what have I been thinking strategically about?

Reusing and repurposing materials

I’ve been developing things to help train, mentor, and educate for quite some time now, and this week I was really able to see the progress made, not only in my understanding of a subject but in the ability to reuse learning tools created long ago. Some would perhaps call this cheating, but isn’t it because of my experience and expertise that I am asked to work on the projects I have and give the training sessions I do? Why shouldn’t I use these to my advantage too?

Improving iteratively

With each time that I am able to reuse and repurpose previous materials I am able to improve on what’s delivered, and the messages shared. Last year for example, I gave 2 talks on measurement and evaluation that were arranged pre-lockdown 1, but delivered in the first weeks of remote working.

In the time since I have developed and tested a six week online training course, delivered more than my share of zoom workshops and with that I have honed and developed new skills. It was such a delight to be able to revisit the same subject and repurpose the activities while I planned for a session on measurement and evaluation that I’ll be giving to a group of NGO Comms people early next week.

Getting ready to drop the mic 🙏

Obama’s mic drop

In the coming weeks I will be finishing up what has been my longest project contract since going freelance (I’ve been part of the team almost as long as I’ve been in some perm jobs!). I’m in a really great position to, as a consultant, deliver some truths about the way in which digital products are designed, delivered, and managed in the hope that change can come to the team that will remain. As part of this work, I’ve been speaking to people about the start of GDS (article likely to be published soon) to collate the strategies and tactics deployed in the early days that started the necessary change.

First sessions to build new short courses

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to spend some time thinking about BeMoreDigital and what it could become. It was so great to make a start on a new collaboration with Emma Wilder from Beyond Profit to share the things that trustees, and charity leaders need to know about Digital.

I end this week feeling ready for the weekend, and excited for the future.




Freelance digital product specialist in charities, NGOs, and social enterprise